The advantages of using HP Touch Smart tx2 Laptop is that you can use multiple functions at the same time, i.e. you can use more than one finger at the same time. This feature is very useful when you want to drag and use similar functions like pinch, rotate, create a arc etc which you would normally try to process using a keyboard.
These Touch Smart is available in three versions ie PC, display and tablet and they come with a rechargeable digital ink pen, users can turn the tx2 into a tablet PC to write, sketch, draw, take notes or graph right onto the screen – and then automatically convert handwriting into typed text. This laptop weighs around 4.5 pounds and has a 12.1-inch diagonal Bright View LED display and an HP Imprint “Reaction” design.
Its powered with AMD Turin X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile Processor or very success full computer.


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